Billy Graham – La Segunda Venida del Señor – Predicación Este es el  vídeo  del mensaje “La Segunda Venida del Señor” del evangelista Billy Graham, que nos habla como ocurrirá la Segunda Venida del Señor. Tenemos que estar preparados para cuando eso ocurrirá. ¿Por qué Cristo debe regresar? Porque el Señor mismo con voz de mando, con voz de arcángel, y con trompeta de Dios, descenderá del cielo; y los muertos en Cristo resucitarán primero. 17 Luego nosotros...

Billy Graham – How to Live the Christian Life – Preaching How to live the christian life Evangelist Billy Graham preaches on "How To Live The Christian Life" to 20,000 people in Madison Square Garden during his famed 1957 Greater New York City Crusade. This historic Crusade was attended by more than 2.3 million people over 100 consecutive nights in the Garden, as well as several services at Yankee Stadium. The great...

Billy Graham – God and the Color of Man – Preaching

Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil. Jeremiah 13:23 God doesn't see the color of man, all he wants is your heart. In this excellent preaching Dr. Billy Graham exposed that we need to change is our hearts inclined to do the wrong to do what he wants.
First Part
Second Part: