Luis Palau – Biola University Chapel

Luis Palau speaks at Biola University on April 14, 2008 as part of the Centennial Chapel Series.

Luis Palau, originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, is an effective and compelling preacher. He has reached over 1 billion people worldwide with the message of salvation through radio, television, print and Internet, and has spoken before live audiences to more than 25 million people. His radio programs are heard daily in over 40 countries. Luis is clearly intent on following God’s calling on his life.

Since 1999, the «Great Music & Good News» festival evangelism ministry draws huge crowds. This festival, which travels around the world, incorporates the message of the Gospel with popular music acts, exotic foods, and even a state-of-the-art skate park. Luis created this free festival as a fresh, contemporary approach to evangelism. Through «Great Music & Good News,» Luis’s goal is to share the love of Christ with a troubled world.

«Today’s young people understand music and technology, but few have an understanding of what a life walked in faith can produce. They don’t know the person of Jesus Christ – that He is alive, that He is divine, and that He wants every one of us to know Him personally,» says Luis.

Luis became a Christian as a child in Argentina. At age 10, his father died and he became responsible for providing for his family. He gained executive experience in the banking industry before attending Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon. It was there that he met his wife, Patricia.

Luis operates out of Portland, Oregon, but is on a mission to reach the world. «I’d love to see a massive breakthrough,» he says. «An international revival of Christianity. I’d love to see the nations truly reawaken where not just a few thousand, but millions discover Christ again. That is my dream.»

We, El Punto Cristiano can be encapsulated in one word: Sharing. We are working hard every harday with the only porpuse the comply with the Great Comission.

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